


Welcome to Most premium Gym in Kochi ever

Unit 45 Fitness contains best in class cardio, strength, and stretch equipment.The only gym in kochi to provide Steam,Sauna and Ice bath facilities.The friendly team of Active iq uk qualified personal trainers who are already to help you start your journey to health and wellness right now!

We have a wide choice of group exercise classes that are a great complement to any training program. We offer a wide range of training programs such as, Powerlifting, Weightlifting, Bodybuilding, Boxing, Health and wellness, Sports nutrition, and Injury Rehabilitation

Also we are introducing a new concept U-45/90 program which comprises specialized workouts and nutrition plans which will transform your entire body whether you are looking for fat loss muscle gain or even general fitness within a time span of 90 days

So come Join us. Your Fitness is safe with us! We will make you Move Better, Feel Better and Live better


To Evolve as a brand that educates people to be aware of the importance of health and fitness and how it is beneficial for their life



Introducing a whole new international level of fitness concepts to kerala



We won’t compromise on anything less our trainers are internationally qualified ,we have world class fitness equipment our services are at the Premium level,each penny you spend on your fitness and healthwe will guarantee your results

start your training

Inbody Checkups/Reassessment

Personal Training

nutrition classes

eat delicious while burning extra fat